Vishal P. Singh

Here we go again. Prominent Leave Our Kids Alone protester Narek Palyan, a close friend of the group's lead organizer Manuk Grigoryan, is promoting antisemitic 9/11 conspiracy theories on Instagram which accuse Jewish people of being responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attack— liking posts about it and resharing them on his Instagram stories. One post shows animated cartoon characters marching together with the caption "me and the boys pulling up to post Jews did 9/11 all over social media." In the past, Palyan had expressed support for Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell, and he has also denied the Holocaust. He has performed Nazi salutes at multiple Leave Our Kids Alone school board rallies. On 8/22, Manuk Grigoryan gave him a hug seconds after he performed a Nazi salute.